The Paintings at the Quixote Hall in Figueras: News of a Little Known Pictorial Recreation of Don Quixote




Quixote, Joan Jové, Iconography, Figueras


The Don Quixote Hall had its opening in Figueres in 1965 and it was used as a dancing hall for the general public for over thirty years. Its interior was decorated with a variety of very large paintings each depicting different chapters of the Quixote. The artist who painted them was Joan Jové, a well known local watercolourist who was also recognized for his extensive work as a stage scenery painter. The recent finding of the ninety panels which used to hang from the walls of the Don Quixote Hall has brought to the fore an unusual and forgotten graphic version of Cervantes’s masterpiece.


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Allen, John Jay y Patricia S. Finch. 2015. Don Quijote en el arte y pensamiento de Occidente. Madrid: Cátedra.

Cervantes, Miguel de. 2005. Don Quijote de la Mancha, editado por Francisco Rico. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2 vols.

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Lucía Megías, José Manuel. 2006. Leer el “Quijote” en imágenes. Madrid: Calambur.

Lucía Megías, José Manuel, coord. 2007. También los niños leen el Quijote. Alcalá de Henares: Centro de Estudios Cervantinos.

Padrosa Gorgot, Inés. 2009. Diccionari biogràfic de l’Alt Empòrdà. Gerona: Diputació de Girona.

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How to Cite

Soldevilla Albertí, J. M. . (2022). The Paintings at the Quixote Hall in Figueras: News of a Little Known Pictorial Recreation of Don Quixote. Anales Cervantinos, 54, 413–421.


