An Approach to the Reception of Don Quixote in Contemporary English Drama




Don Quixote, Cervantes, Reception, Theatrical Adaptation, Drama, England


The intention of this paper is to examine the influence of Don Quixote on the recent English drama through the analysis of seven plays that adapt the novel for the stage: The travails of Sancho Panza. A play for the young, by James Saunders (1970); Don Quixote, by Keith Dewhurst (1982); Don Quixote. A Fantastic Tale In Two Acts, by Jim Sperinck (1991); Don Quixote, by Colin Teevan and Pablo Ley (2007); The New Adventures of Don Quixote, by Ali Tariq (2014); Don Quixote, by James Fenton (2016); and Wandering Through La Mancha. A Quixotic Tale, by Aaron M. Kahn (2019). The characteristics common to all of them are analysed and it is observed whether the lines of interpretation of Don Quixote in the preceding English drama are maintained, a reception that began with the first known adaptation of the novel for the stage: The Knight of the Burning Pestle (1611), by Francis Beaumont, and Shakespeare’s remarkable Cardenio. The conclusion is that the analysed plays are a further example of the long relationship between Cervantes’ novel and the English drama and that, although they have several elements in common, they present particular readings of the quixotic myth.


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How to Cite

Fernández Ferreiro, M. (2023). An Approach to the Reception of Don Quixote in Contemporary English Drama. Anales Cervantinos, 55, 93–113.




Funding data

Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Grant numbers PID2019-111485GB-I00

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