The Transcendental Experience of Music in Cervantes and Kafka (El celoso extremeño and The Metamorphosis)


  • Francisco Vivar The University of Memphis



Music, Cervantes, Kafka, Power, Freedom, Space, Control, Enclosure, El celoso extremeño, The Metamorphosis, Carrizales, Gregor Samsa


I analyze the presence of power and the liberating effect of music in the main characters. My intention is just to establish a relationship between these very different novels on the treatments of the theme of imprisonment and liberation. And I do it tracing a path that draws a parallel story in both novels following four important aspects: the space where the characters live –the house and the bedroom–, the power –by the husband and by the father–, the seclusion of Leonora and Samsa and the effect of music. In Cervantes’ novel music is the key to reach freedom. In Kafka’s novel the character is doomed. There is no hope for us and music means the nostalgia to reach the Land of Canaan.


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How to Cite

Vivar, F. (2014). The Transcendental Experience of Music in Cervantes and Kafka (El celoso extremeño and The Metamorphosis). Anales Cervantinos, 46, 103–118.


