Don Quixote and Montaigne: Parallel Paths under Evangelical Prisms


  • Aitor Bikandi-Mejias Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus



Don Quixote, Montaigne, Humanism/Renaissance, Gospels, Justice, Mercy, Raison, Faith, Madness, Love/Charity


Analysis and comparison of some topics, as they are shown in Montaigne’s Essays and Cervantes’s Quixote; we will see how they share the same Humanist and Evangelical perspective. Some of the topics that we study are the supremacy of Mercy above Justice, the relationship between Raison and Madness. Above all, we will focus on their emphasis on Love and Charity, foundation of the new/old humankind that they try to give light.


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How to Cite

Bikandi-Mejias, A. (2013). Don Quixote and Montaigne: Parallel Paths under Evangelical Prisms. Anales Cervantinos, 45, 371–384.


