Dostoyevski and Don Quijote: Poetics and Aesthetics of a Delusion


  • Tamara Djermanovic Universidad Pompeu Fabra



Don Quixote, Dostoyevsky, Prince Myshkin, Ideals, Literary Fiction, Plagiarism, Russian Quixotism


In Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s body of work (1821-1881) one can find more than thirty references to Don Quixote; while some of them allude to the novel of Don Quixote itself, other ones refer to Cervantes’ hero as an archetypal figure. Since decades ago, the Russian literary criticism has been interested in the Russian quixotism – including Dostoevsky’s work – and important studies on this subject have been published recently. This study follows Dostoevsky’s references on La Mancha’s Knight as an independent figure of Cervantes’ novel, and the different symbolism Don Quixote’s figure has had in both Russian people and Russian intelligentsia.


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How to Cite

Djermanovic, T. (2015). Dostoyevski and Don Quijote: Poetics and Aesthetics of a Delusion. Anales Cervantinos, 47, 9–24.


