Journal Sections

They are texts (between 15 and 40 pages long) in accordance with Anales Cervantinos’s format. They must be the product of original and unpublished research. They undergo peer review. They could be longer by editorial board’s aproval.

They are texts with the same characteristics as the studies, but with a length of no more than 15 pages in accordance with Anales Cervantinos’s format. They must be the product of original and unpublished research. They undergo peer review.

Texts of no more than 10 pages, in accordance with Anales Cervantinos’s format, and written by a specialist by request of the editorial board. The aim is to evoke the figure of a deceased person of special relevance in the topics covered by Anales Cervantinos.

Texts no longer than 20 pages in accordance with Anales Cervantinos’s format, in which, by request of the editorial board, a person recounts his or her experiences on topics directly related to the purpose of Anales Cervantinos.

By request of a group of researchers, Anales Cervantinos may publish a dossier on a topic of special interest in the field of Cervantes’ studies. Its feasibility, publication conditions, participants, length of contributions and other details will be established by the editorial board. All texts that are part of the dossier will undergo peer review.

Editions of texts directly related to the purpose of Anales Cervantinos. Length and editing criteria will be assessed by the editorial board. They will be undergo peer review.

They are original and unpublished texts that present a critical review of a bibliographic work relevant on Cervantes. They must be between one and two thousand words long. They will be entrusted by the editorial board to whoever it considers best prepared for this purpose.

Cervantes Chronicle
Texts of no more than 10 pages −in accordance with Anales Cervantinos’s format− that inform about events directly related to Cervantes. The editorial board will decide on the appropriateness of its publication and will be in charge of its review.

Cervantes’s Bibliography
Texts of varying length in which Cervantes’s bibliographic novelties will be collected. Critical reviews on a cervantine topic are also allowed. Length and timeliness will be assessed by the editorial board. They will undergo peer review.