Artistic Rewriting of Don Quixote in Africa through the Prism of Sahelian Ecocriticism in Don Quixote on the Niger River




Rewriting, African adaptation, Educommunication, Mythotype, Eco-responsibility, Sabel


The aim of this research is to study the ways in which environmental issues related to the community of the peoples of the Niger Basin are artistically painted, following the observation that artists use their artistic creations to shed light on problematics of the communities they belong to. Thus, through the prototypical mediation of the figure Don Quixote, they rethink the actions of their communities in order to develop a healthy awareness of the Niger River, and they intend to lead an educommunication campaign with the aim of encouraging the community to develop eco-responsible behaviours. The paintings as didactic material are therefore perceived as a discourse and an intersubjective dialogic social practice through which they transmit the message of ecology and protection of the Niger River.


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How to Cite

Essome Lele, G. A. (2023). Artistic Rewriting of Don Quixote in Africa through the Prism of Sahelian Ecocriticism in Don Quixote on the Niger River. Anales Cervantinos, 55, 77–92.


