Secret Catholics in La Española Inglesa


  • Fernando Galvan Universidad de Alcalá



Religious Conflict, Erasmism, Neo-platonism, Anglicanism, Secret Catholics


This essay discusses the main controversial issues and influences in the reception of Cervantes’s novela ejemplar and analyses some of the reasons behind the stereotypes developed around the main characters and events narrated in the novella. Thus, Queen Elizabeth’s picture, the historical facts connected with the plot, the so-called «romantic» or «fantastic» elements of the story, and particularly the religious conflict between Anglicans and Catholics prevalent in England in the second half of the 16th century. In this respect, particular attention is paid to the doctrinal, historical and political issues concerned with the group of «secret Catholics» who shared, and combined, private Catholic beliefs and public Anglican behaviours in this period, in order to illustrate and explain Cervantes’s Erasmian and Neo-Platonic position.


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How to Cite

Galvan, F. (2014). Secret Catholics in La Española Inglesa. Anales Cervantinos, 46, 67–82.


