Adultery of Confined Women: Comparative Reading of The Jealous Extremaduran and The Pearl Shirt




The Jealous Extremaduran, Cervantes, The Pearl Shirt, Feng Menglong, Parallel, Female Adultery


Despite the great geographical distance between Spain and China and the differences in literary traditions of these two distant countries, impressive parallels can be seen between The Jealous Extremaduran by Miguel de Cervantes and Jiang Xingge Reencounters his Pearl Shirt by Feng Menglong. Both short novels published in the first quarter of the seventeenth-century deal with the adultery of a woman confined in a closed house. This article aims to interpret the parallels of similar plots and characterization of the protagonists, based on textual analysis. In this sense, it studies the common mechanisms in the narration of stories of seduction and female adultery, as well as analyzes the profiles and functions of the main characters from a comparative point of view, including confined women, cheated husbands and accomplices. A contradiction in the narratives and their socio-historical contexts will be shown.


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How to Cite

Yin, Q. (2023). Adultery of Confined Women: Comparative Reading of The Jealous Extremaduran and The Pearl Shirt. Anales Cervantinos, 55, 161–180.


