Reception of Don Quixote (1605) in Albania through Fan Noli, the Translator and the First Critic of the Novel




Socio-Cultural Context, Translation, Criticism, Reception, Ideology, Press, Cervantes, Noli, Don Quixote, Albania


This article aims to make an apologia for Noli as the first translator of Don Quixote by Cervantes and also highlight his contribution as the first critic of this work. To achieve this, our study adopts a reception aesthetics approach and a historical perspective, analysing both the horizon of expectation for Don Quixote in Albania, as well as Noli’s translation in the light of various translation theories and schools. This article examines a great literary work written about four centuries ago, which represents a complexity resulting from the temporal distance of reception, not only in terms of publication but also in translation, within entirely different cultural, social, and ideological contexts. Noli has been able to guide Albanian readers towards the reading of a masterpiece, with the hope that this novel highly valued would become popular among Albanians and influence Albanian aesthetic and political thought.


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How to Cite

Nushi, A., & Pasho, S. (2023). Reception of Don Quixote (1605) in Albania through Fan Noli, the Translator and the First Critic of the Novel. Anales Cervantinos, 55, 141–160.


